By Daisy StephensBBC News

Lauren Mundy A woman in a blue flowery dress cuddling a black and white cat and burying her face in his furLauren Mundy

Lauren Mundy was reunited with her cat Joey on Sunday

A woman has spoken of her “disbelief” after her cat was found nearly five years after going missing.

Lauren Mundy’s pet, called Joey, did not return after leaving their house in Springbourne, Bournemouth, in October 2019.

But two weeks ago she received a call from Cats Protection saying he was still alive – and had been looked after by an elderly man living just three miles (5km) away in the neighbouring suburb of Kinson.

Ms Mundy and her family were reunited with Joey on Sunday.

Joey disappeared on a “horrible stormy night” , Ms Mundy said.

Lauren Mundy A baby in a blue babygrow and a black and white cat, both lying on a bed and looking at the cameraLauren Mundy

Ms Mundy said she adopted Joey before her son Riley was born

Her son, Riley, was just three at the time and was distraught.

“We’d had him since he was born,” she said. “He was missing his buddy.”

Despite the years passing, Ms Mundy said she “didn’t stop worrying about [Joey] or thinking about him”.

Then, on 18 June, she got an unexpected call from Cats Protection.

“She said a family had found him… I was just shocked, [in] disbelief,” she said.

“My son burst into tears… it was just so surreal.”

Lauren Mundy A close-up photo of a black and white kitten's faceLauren Mundy

Joey went missing in 2019

The charity put Ms Mundy in contact with a woman whose grandfather had taken Joey in.

The cat lived with him for several years, becoming the man’s companion throughout lockdown and after the death of his wife.

When the man was taken into hospital to receive end of life care, his granddaughter decided to have Joey scanned.

“We were both crying on the phone,” said Ms Mundy.

“I always said ‘I hope Joey’s just found an old man or an old dear and he’s keeping him company, just living his best life’.”

Joey is already settling back in at home.

“We brought him in and he just sat where he always sat on the computer chair,” said Ms Mundy.

Now, Joey is “doing well” and turns 11 next week.

“He came home in time for his birthday.”
