In the recently held United Kingdom general elections, Keir Starmer-led Labour party won the polls beating Prime Minister Rishi Sunak-led Conservative Party.

With the outgoing Prime Minister was delivering his speech of thanks to his constituents, YouTube star Niko Omilana stood behind Sunak while holding up a piece of paper with a giant letter ‘L’ on it.

In the prank, Sunak was referred as ‘loser’ as Omilana wrote, “Hold this L rishi, your time is up.” Omilana has over 7.49 million followers.

He even posted it on X and wrote, “i did it for the people.”

The tweet has garnered over 2.1 million views in just four hours, with 399 comments and 5.6K retweets.

Here are few comments:

One wrote, “Hold L behind a clown is a massive W”

Another wrote, “The straight face is killing me.”

“People actually cheered Niko and not the others too,” a third one wrote.

“Rishi got the worst team ever – they never even tried to stop it lol,” commented the fourth.

“You’re the goat man,” a fifth user wrote.

In the video, Omilana could be seen moving behind the ex-PM to ensure his sign would be caught in the camera shots.

Sunak-led Conservative Party suffered a heavy defeat after 14 years in government and this also ended his 20 months premiership.

A record number of his top ministerial team lost their seats, including defence secretary Grant Shapps and House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt.

Meanwhile, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office Larry has presented his exclusive demands.

Larry – 16 year old tabby, living at 10 Downing Street since 2011 – has congratulated Keir Starmer. But also asked the upcoming UK PM to follow his instructions carefully.

In a tweet from his unofficial account, Larry the Cat wrote, “Congratulations on your much deserved victory. Now, the important business of my meal times: I like breakfast at 10, lunch at 11, dinner at 3. And 5. And 7. Plenty of snacks in between. Get that right and the rest of your job is a doddle.”
